Since 1958, Sooner Bible Camp has been enjoyed by kids grades 4-12.

Sooner Bible Camp is a camp for youth that want a wholesome, outdoor vacation. Its primary purpose is to teach the Bible so that young people may come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, then to live for Him. Bible classes are held each morning, afternoon and evening. Sooner Bible Camp has no denominational emphasis.

Information about Sooner Bible Camp

Camp Grounds

Junior Week

Lew Wentz Campground
2932 L. A. Cann Drive Ponca City, OK 74604

Junior Week is held at Lew Wentz Campground located above Lake Ponca. Campers stay in picturesque stone cabins. A spacious dining hall overlooks the lake. The large swimming pool is a main attraction at the camp. Campers also enjoy team competitions, Bible quiz games, basketball, and crafts. Fishing is also available but campers must bring their own equipment.

Senior Week

Camp McFadden
9137 E Hartford Ave. Ponca City, OK 74604

Senior Week is held at Camp McFadden located by Lake Kaw on 250 acres. In addition to the lake, campers can enjoy volleyball, basketball, tubing and a zipline.

Dates and Times

Junior Week will be held June 9-14, 2025

Senior Week will be held June 1-7, 2024. Camp begins on Sunday with supper. Registration begins at 5:30pm. Camp concludes with breakfast on the next Saturday morning. Parents need to pick up their children by 9:30am so we can vacate the campground.

Registration Deadline

The Registration deadline for Junior week is June 6th. The Senior week deadline is TBD.


Campers for the Junior Week of Sooner Bible Camp must be going into grades 4-7 this coming fall. Senior Week is for grades 8-12. Rules for acceptance and participation are the same for everyone without regard to race, color, national origin, gender or handicap.


The cost for the week of camp is $130.00. A $5 discount will be given to a returning camper for bringing a new camper. Also, $5 of each camper's application fee will go toward credit for the snack shop that they can redeem during camp. Campers may bring additional money for snacks or a T-shirt if desired.